Vox day blog
Vox day blog

Supposedly, the entire point of this shit-fit is that the Hugos were being awarded to SJW writers on the basis of diversity representation rather than merit, but here Beale claims that this is now being done in response to the Rabid Puppies campaign, which would seem to imply that it wasn’t happening before…. Observe that after only two years, we already have them voting almost entirely in reaction to us, changing and complicating their rules, and awarding SJWs instead of merit in most categories. It’s unsurprising to see him pulling the same stunt this time, which just muddies the waters further on what the Rabid Puppies campaign is actually trying to accomplish, if anything. Beale’s goal at the beginning very much seemed to be to secure Hugo wins for selections from his slate, but when that didn’t happen he declared it to be EXACTLY ACCORDING TO PLAN, somehow. The Rabid Puppies campaign last year was a bit like like Donald Trump’s recent presidential maneuverings, in that it sailed onto the world stage with lofty victory conditions that it had already started to back-pedal on before the actual voting took place. Things went very much according to form, and we have the SF-SJWs exactly where we want them at this point in time. I was intrigued to see that Beale had put a congratulatory post on his blog outlining the many ways that his second failure to secure Hugo awards for books published by his own vanity press (for example, whatever the fuck this is) was somehow a victory for the forces of traditional SFF, and I thought it might be fun to take a little dip into this sad, pathetic, very sad corner of the internet. If you’re lucky enough to not know what I’m talking about, this Gizmodo article does a good job of quickly breaking down the story. I’m laid up in bed with the ills at the moment, so why not have a bit of fun at the expense of Vox Day (aka Theodore Beale) and his Rabid Puppies?

vox day blog vox day blog

If you can look at this image without cringing so hard your skeleton collapses in on itself, I will mail you €10

Vox day blog